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Afterlives: Slavery & Contemporary Global Inequalities @Tropenmuseum

Modern Slavery is the term used to describe diverse contemporary forms of dehumanisation and exploitation, including the trafficking of humans, mostly women and children, for sexual exploitation or exploitative and inhumane labour conditions.

In this event, modern slavery is taken as a framework for thinking through diverse forms of dehumanising and precarious labour. What are the specificities of the different forms, how do they differ and how might it benefit us to think them together? Speakers will explore the relationship between slavery and other historical forms of forced or precarious labour and modern day slavery and human trafficking.

What Afterlives: Slavery & Contemporary Global Inequalities
Where Tropenmuseum, Lineausstraat 2, Amsterdam
When Wed, Oct 2, 19:30 - 22:00
Entrance Tickets for this event are € 8,- and can be bought online via
More info /materializing-slavery.