How are we able influence politics in a democratic state? Activism offers a very valuable way in which people can do this. By organising demonstrations, petitions, sit-ins and other actions they can make their voice heard. By making your voice heard, it becomes possible to influence public opinion, to influence the political agenda or to denounce injustice.
Nevertheless, there is a gap between activism and ‘official' politics. Activists often distrust politicians while politicians feel threatened by ‘radical' activists. This makes it difficult for people to have influence on how they’re governed and to share power. In this debate we will discuss how to deal with this issue. What should be the relation between politics and activism? Should activists organise themselves in political parties? What are the advantages and disadvantages of engaging in the official political process? Does it still matter to vote or should we strictly rely on 'street politics'?
Vatan Hüzeir (Changerism)
Nugah Shrestha (Politieke Jongeren)
Moderated by Kauthar Bouchallikht
16.00 doors open
19.30 start New Activism
19.45 introduction by Shirin ((A)WAKE) + Jarmo (Het Actiefonds)
20.00 interview with Dyab Abou JahJah (cancelled)
20.15 interview with Vatan Hüzeir
20.30 interview with Nugah Shrestha (Politieke Jongeren)
20.45 panel on Politics & Activism
22.00 drinks
Where MONO, Vijverhofstraat 15
When Thursday 31st of October, 19:30 - 00:00. Doors open at 16.00
Entrance Free. Reservation required. See this ticketlink
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