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Future Based - Underground movement in music: capitalism failing

What is ‘underground’? The underground scene may often communicate typical associative thinking about political statements, freedom of imagination, sincerity, and artistic identity. Instead of changing systems of commercial exploitation, underground scenes create an alternative reality, a counter movement to the mainstream.

But the aversion towards the mainstream has a rather paradoxical side-effect; an interdependence of the underground scene with the mainstream mass culture. Because without mainstream, there won’t be a counterculture. So how are the underground and mainstream worlds interconnected? How does this dependence play out? Can rich sounds, forward-thinking music lovers and DIY activities heavily rooted in local communities survive outside of their own backyards?

Theo Ploeg will give a historical perspective on modern underground movements and argue that there is a new kind of underground culture emerging, that is not against but simply ignoring the mainstream.

Lula Valletta and Leonor Faber-Jonker collaborate on against-the-grain zines in limited, riso-printed editions. During this meetup they will present their Underground Manifesto.

Future Based - Underground movement in music: capitalism failing | WORM Rotterdam | Boomgaardsstraat 71, Rotterdam | Di 17 sept 20:30 - 23:30 | €5