De Marktkantine will be the playground of the he.she.they manifestation on the 20th of September:
“Can you remember when dance music culture was all about breaking down barriers rather than building them? We can and we feel it's time to return to those inclusive ideological roots. Let's once again create memories and moments together with people we love and new people we meet in a collective experience. We want to create a place without prejudice; where people can be people to create a world whereby people feel like they belong whilst at the same time still expressing their utmost individuality and creativity of their own characters no matter what their age, race, background or sexual preference may be. It’s as simple as He.She.They…”
Maya Jane Coles
De Sluwe Vos
+ Hosts TBA
What HeSheThey w/ Maya Jane Coles, De Sluwe Vos, Sanja
Where De Marktkantine, Jan van Galenstraat 6, Amsterdam
When 20 sept 23:00 - 05:00
Entrance Regular tickets €20 \ Door is more
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