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FemCity #5: Dancing on our own terms

  • Pakhuis de Zwijger 179 Piet Heinkade Amsterdam, NH, 1019 HC Netherlands (map)

How can we shift the conversation towards equal and safe clubbing experiences in a way that represents more voices?

Of all artists playing at an Amsterdam-based nightclub or festival in 2019, a bleak 17,1% were women according to Amsterdam newspaper Het Parool. Despite increasing efforts, not only women, but also people of colour and the queer community remain largely underrepresented on line-ups. Behind turntables, on the dance floor and in the back-offices of the nightlife scène: there’s much to be done in terms of creating safe and inclusive clubbing spaces for everyone. Tonight we focus on the experiences of womxn, queer people, people of colour and all intersectional identities in between.

Which terms must be set for different people within the industry on which to operate equally? What expectations do they have of venues, bookers, visitors and each other? How do we create equal and safe clubbing experiences for everyone?

Met in dit programma onder anderen:
- Lysa da Silva (LYZZA) | DJ, producer, co-initiator X3
- Sanae Tijou | Co-initiator X3
- Ambra Vergani | Clubmanager De School
- Kevin Heller | Feminist, zelfverdedigingsinstructeur, beveiliger en columnist onder de naam 'machoman'
- Chiara Silvestrin | Booking agent, oprichter Wilde Artists
- Jasmin Hoek (Jasmín) | DJ

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