Quarantine and Borderline

We asked artist Jo-Ann With how she is dealing with quarantine, while living in Barcelona and she made us all this beautiful piece, about dealing with covid-19, the state of emergency in Spain and mental health issues. Full text below video.

How to do this

Quarantine and bordeline

They’re not friends you know

They try, they do

But sometimes… All I feel is nothingness

You see I need the outside, I need the sun

I need to see people

It’s literally because then I don’t feel nothingness

I don’t spiral into this depth of darkness

And these feelings of total anxiety

I mean I really try  you know

I try to do the things people should do

When we feel like this, they say

Taking care of ourselves



And Putting on crème

All of the things they said would make you feel better


The naïve


I’d like to think that if I just try hard enough. If I just…

Quarantine and borderline

I don’t know how to make them become friends

All I know is that I do try

Even if you don’t see it

The fight that goes on in my head

And in my body

It’s hard sometimes


But sometimes, most times at some point it clicks


Quarantine and borderline

An ode to all that it is and will be