Little Blue Fish
Afwijken van de norm, "anders" zijn, "anders" denken of "anders" doen is vaak erg moeilijk. Bovendien brengt tegen de stroom in zwemmen vaak ook een zware verantwoordelijkheid met zich mee.
Little Blue Fish van @saraemamii is geïnspireerd op het Perzische verhaal 'The Little Black Fish', van Samad Behrangi en op het leven van Sarah Hegazi. Hegazi was een Egyptische LHBTQI-activist, die in juni dit jaar zelfmoord pleegde. In haar laatste Instagram-post schreef zij 'The sky is more Beautiful than the Earth. And I want the sky, not the Earth.'
Deviating from the norm, being "different", thinking "differently" or acting "differently" is often very difficult. In addition, swimming against the current also carries a heavy responsibility
Little Blue Fish by @saraemamii is inspired by the Persian story 'The Little Black Fish', by Samad Behrangi and the life of Sarah Hegazi. Hegazi was an Egyptian LGBTQI activist who committed suicide in June this year. In her latest Instagram post, she wrote 'The sky is more beautiful than the Earth. And I want the sky, not the Earth.’